Sure, Mix-A-Lot

Sure, Mix-A-Lot

My no-time-to-think breakfast of choice is a crunchy bowl of granola, but the good stuff has so many calories that all I can think about is how much time I’ll have to do on the elliptical to work it off. But with Mix My Granola’s Pringles-shaped tube of...
Foodzie is like Etsy for food. I’m doomed.

Foodzie is like Etsy for food. I’m doomed.

Do you hear that sound? It’s my hips expanding.I know I’m going to rue the day I discovered Foodzie, the marketplace for hand-crafted and artisan foods. Whereas my resolve is unwavering when I pass the fun-size candy bars in the supermarket aisle (Full of...
The lazy mom’s smoothie

The lazy mom’s smoothie

My kids are fruit-eating machines, which is great except for when we get the urge to make a smoothie and have only a sad spotted banana left on the counter. Short of planting my own orchard, I’m happy to have discovered the new all-natural Chiquita Smoothies...