by Cool Mom Team | Mother's Day Gifts
Even if the Macaroni necklace breaks, the flowers die, and the mimosas are gone in seconds, you always always get to keep your sense of humor. Hope you have the best Mother’s Day! xo Liz + Kristen + The Cool Mom Team
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
You’ll laugh! You’ll cry! You’ll cringe! On this week’s episode of Spawned, we’ve got a totally candid and hilarious discussion about the very worst Mother’s Day gifts ever. Like, these are all pitches that have actually shown up in...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kitchen + Dining
If you’re looking for the perfect teacher appreciation gift, well, admittedly it may not be a mug. I’m well aware that most teachers probably have their share of them, though I’d like to think that’s because you can only own so many...
by Georgette Gilmore | Mother's Day Gifts
Every year we have the best times seeking out the funniest Mother’s Day cards for those moms who prefer a little sass to sentimentality. (You know the ones.) There are so many good ones out there — and man, so many bad ones — so we did our best just...
by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion, School Gear
While I’d personally be thrilled to have a taco truck on every corner (especially those ones from Austin, mmm…), I would happily settle for this hilarious taco truck lunch tote dangling from my shoulder. Especially because it doesn’t have to be a...
by Cool Mom Team | Living
We’re happy to be working with our sponsor Brother to bring you this post If we had a nickel for every time we told our kids to put away their shoes or pick up their toys, well, we’d be writing this from our yacht in the south of France while Jeeves served...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
As your kids get older, it can get a little tougher to find ways to bond and connect with them. One perfect way is through music. But can you handle what they’re listening to? That’s why we were so excited this week to sit down and discuss the issue with...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
Who among us hasn’t sat around thinking, if I ran the world… Well, I was recently asked and it took me, oh, about a minute to decide what I would do if I assumed the throne. Now of course I’d want to devote billions of dollars or pounds or yen or...
by Liz Gumbinner | Random Coolness
Not all of us moms are so genetically blessed as to fit into our skinny jeans two weeks postpartum — let alone thick-skinned enough to “love ourselves as we are” all the time. #NOnomakeupselfie #sorrynotsorry So bless those awesome celebrity moms...
by Kristen Chase | Fashion
There’s a good chance that by now you’ve seen the Topshop Clear Knee Mom Jeans at Nordstrom that have been making the social media rounds (along with that weird tank top from Urban Outfitters). But, what you might not have noticed is that people are now...