Looking Smart
I admit to being a bit skeptical when it comes to all these baby products that promote early learning. Is it really necessary to label a baby spoon and bowl with words and pictures? Well the folks at Learning Tees don’t take themselvesthat seriously, even with...
A Totally Organic Experience
We love organic kids clothes’ for any number of reasons, but sometimes I get the feeling that the companies who make them are just jumping on a trend to make a buck. Then there’s Little Green Stars. Moms, co-founders, green bloggers, and bona fide...
Babies That Actually Sleep Like Babies
Examining a sample of the Cozy Cocoon, I admit I was skeptical. A single piece of fabric that you just stick your baby in, like a sock? It can’t be that simple to swaddle, can it? I kept calling it the baby condom. But holy heck did this thing work–and...
The Smarter Animal Alphabet
I will be honest, when I got wind of another line of alphabet tees for tots, I wasn’t expecting much. But whoa! Where are the silly illustrations? Where’s that old chestnut, C is for Cat?Clearly these are no ordinary alphabet tees–they’re the...
The Thymes They Are A-Changin’
I’ve been a fan of The Thymes line of bath and beauty products ever since the sigOth and I first spotted them in a great boutique on vacation years ago. He wanted the fig leaf-cassis candle, I wanted the lavender lotion. We compromised. By buying forty different...
Organic Bedding, Hold the Hemp Jokes
While I applaud the intent behind buying organic, I have to admit I’m a little cynical about what I’m getting. The fruits and veggies are smaller, the meat is way pricier, and the clothes – at least they’re getting better, if slowly. If I...
No C-Ems
Aside from the rare celebrity or overexposed heiress who schedules her delivery around her publicity schedule, most women don’t exactly look forward to c-sections. While the C-Section Healing Kit from the mom care gurus at Earth Mama Angel Baby won’t...
Playing Like it’s 1899
Kids today, they’ve got it so good. Back in my day, toys were made of plastic. We played with their semisynthetic choloride polymer parts, and no one complained. But now we’ve grown up and want something completely better for our offspring, something like...