This cloth diaper is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

This cloth diaper is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!

The only thing more adorable than a cute baby bottom in a cloth diaper is saying “Charlie Banana” whenever someone asks you where the diaper came from.Cloth is making a comeback, mainly because it’s good for the environment and cuter than ever. But...
Chunky is in.

Chunky is in.

This week, I popped into one of my favorite NYC department stores to leave my drool marks on the jewelry cases–kind of like a wolf marking his territory. Hey, maybe if I drool on this case here no one else will buy it? And then they’ll have to give it to...
Glamourmom – Now up to 70% off

Glamourmom – Now up to 70% off

I spend almost all of my breastfeeding hours in Glamour Mom nursing tanks and I have the credit card bills to show it. But with their new private sales member club you can now score between 30-70% off these awesome breastfeeding tops. If you’re not familiar with...
Swim trunks for even skinny boys

Swim trunks for even skinny boys

I fell in love with the sturdy, stylish boys clothes from Red 21 Boys last fall, so when I heard they had launched a cruise wear line, it was perfect timing for our annual winter vacation, that this year, just so happens to be a cruise. The challenge for purchasing...
Thank you, oh thank you

Thank you, oh thank you

One of my resolutions this year: Get better at sending thank you notes. Have I broken that resolution already? No comment. But I’m here to tell you that it is not too late to send out thank you notes for your holiday gifts. I know how it gets as the weeks blow...