by Cool Mom Team | Family Travel
The only thing more trippy than watching a guy in a giant yellow neoprene robot costume singing “Don’t Bite Your Friends” to a hiphop beat on your big screen TV might just be watching it live. And I don’t want to hear it from you cynics. Any...
by Cool Mom Team | Family Travel
While suburban kids have access to pools and lakes and campgrounds, we city folk make do with our own assets when it comes to summer camps for preschoolers–like museum trips and cooking classes and lots and lots of arts and crafts. And of course, we justify it...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion
The premiere of Sex and the City 2 hits tonight, and the women I’ve talked to seem to be divided into two groups: Those who care, and those who won’t admit they care — just a little bit.I admit it! I care! I want to gawk at Aiden, and marvel at...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
I really hate losing an hour of sleep to Daylight Savings Time, but I’m also thrilled beyond belief that the season of Throwing the Children Outside to Play is nigh. And I’m pretty sure they will stay out even longer if they have something as cool as MOOV...
by Cool Mom Team | Family Travel
I have such fond memories of scoring US Open tickets a kid, roaming the grounds, and sitting slack-jawed in awe of all the incredible talent. (This was the McEnroe days. I’m that old. ) But back then, they didn’t have anything like the annual Arthur Ashe...
by Christina Refford | Beauty + Cosmetics
Our New England summer started off as one big, wet petri dish for mosquitoes, meaning the buggers are now swarming even in the middle of the day. And there’s no sign of it letting up until fall. I have no intention of mixing DEET into my kids sunscreen, so...
by Betsy | Random Coolness
The best part of the summer, for me, are the days spend hanging out at our local pool, but worst part is getting my son to put on sunscreen. No, strike that, usually I can pin him down long enough to slather him with the first coating; it’s arguing over how long...
by Christina Refford | Toys + Playthings
We’re a crazy homeschooling family, minus the denim jumpers and 65 children (Kidding! Kidding!) and I’m always on the lookout for ways to teach the kids things without boring them to tears with text books and lectures. The 6 in 1 Educational Solar...