I got your Situation right here, baby

I got your Situation right here, baby

I am horrified to admit that I have, upon occasion, watched Jersey Shore. I mean uh, I was just flipping through the channels on the way to a very educational nature show and accidentally stumbled upon it. Once. For four seconds.It’s clear that this is the...

Cool Mom Picks loves the Today Show!

If you missed Cool Mom Picks editor Liz Gumbinner on the Today Show this morning, fear not: We’ve got the clip right here. Catch Liz chatting with Meredith Viera (who was wearing seriously killer shoes!) and sharing some of our favorite back to school picks from...
Mighty B: My kind of hero

Mighty B: My kind of hero

I don’t watch a heck of a lot of kid TV, but I’ve been making an exception for the new DVD release of We Got the Bee which features a bunch of episodes from Nickelodeon’s series, The Mighty B!Haven’t seen it yet? Let’s just say the...