A little squeez’ll do ya

A little squeez’ll do ya

I have to admit that the drinkable foods sort of freak me out. Applesauce with no spoon? Oh, the horror. But wouldn’t you know it, my kids can suck down the GoGo Squeez resealable applesauce in one huge gulp.Even I find myself getting over my issues and...
GoPicnic – The real happy meals

GoPicnic – The real happy meals

With my daughter entering kindergarten in the fall, I must now add “pack a lunch” to my list of duties–something that is clearly not my fort?. So at least I know that in a pinch, I’ve got the GoPicnic kids Mighty Munch meals to turn to. These...
Kind Bars – Kinda Awesome

Kind Bars – Kinda Awesome

I’m part of the low blood sugar brigade, which means I’ve always got a stash of energy or protein bars tumbling out of my bag. Unfortunately, most of those protein bars taste like butt. You know what I’m talking about. So it was with great reluctance...