Get out the lipstick, mamas

Get out the lipstick, mamas

My makeup lives permanently in my makeup bag, which seems to live permanently on my bathroom counter. Having a pretty bag for my lip gloss is important to me, since I’m looking at it all the time. So when I saw chic Aussie designer (and carbon neutral company!)...
Just What the Stylist Ordered

Just What the Stylist Ordered

If you’re anything like me, you have a whole bathroom drawer devoted to those makeup bags so graciously "given" to you when you spend a jillion bucks at the cosmetics counter. Please, leave them in the bathroom. Not only do they scream FREEBIE,...
Go Ahead, Put Your Refund Right Into Your Purse

Go Ahead, Put Your Refund Right Into Your Purse

… Or Diaper bag. Because most likely you keep your wallet where you keep your diapers. Remember when you rocked your it-bag Balenciaga? Your Louis Vuitton Speedy? Your whatever else was hot and hip prebaby? Remember when you actually followed fashion? HA! I...