Spawned Parenting Podcast: Latest Episodes

The latest from Spawned, our award-winning parenting podcast

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More coolness from recent weeks…

Cozy Cuts, Now Coming To a Bathtub Near You

Cozy Cuts, Now Coming To a Bathtub Near You

One of the happy places for NYC moms is the chain of Cozy's Cuts for Kids, the kind of salon that feels more Peewee's Playhouse than barber shop. But what's especially appealing to parents - besides the fact that your kid doesn't mind sitting in the car-shaped chair...

Happy Birthday, You Little Rat

Happy Birthday, You Little Rat

We're big fans of Chinese zodiac-themed items for unique baby gifts. Although let's face it, this lunar year being the year of the rat doesn't inherently provide as many cute options as say, the year of the monkey or the year of the pig. One gift that we're loving, is...

Shady Deal

Shady Deal

It's finally officially spring, and I'm ready to go outside and play. Of course, I'll probably have to take the kids with me. Not to mention the stroller, diaper bag, sunscreen, picnic blanket, a few books, a bunch of snacks, my Sigg bottle, and a stuffed animal or...

Who Stole The Cheese Factor From the Cookie Jar?

Who Stole The Cheese Factor From the Cookie Jar?

If you've got kids, you've got cookies. Unless you're one of those moms. Oh man, you're not one of those moms, right? Phew. With warmer weather approaching, it's time to find storage solutions that keep those Double Stuffs and graham crackers fresh. (Plan B being just...

Boys Need Cool Cards Too

Boys Need Cool Cards Too

You'd think that with all the girlie cards and personalized notes out there that boys would just let their sisters write all their thank-yous for them. Yeah, well not in my house.Okay, so my son is only 12 months, but for those of you with big boys, check out the cool...

Childrens Art Meets Night Light

Childrens Art Meets Night Light

I'm the first to espouse the powers of the night light in helping make bedtime (and those nighttime wakings) easier. But then there's the ones you have to remember to turn off so they don't burn out. Oh, and the ones that are more like a spotlight than a soft dim...

Clean Up The House, Win 900 Bucks. Sounds Good to Us.

Clean Up The House, Win 900 Bucks. Sounds Good to Us.

My place is admittedly a mess these days - toys everywhere, clothes hanging from doorknobs, feral animals roaming the halls. So I am probably not the odds-on favorite to win the new Now You See It, Now You Don't storage solution contest put together by the wonderful...

Cover Me In Luxury

Cover Me In Luxury

Maybe it's two years of looking at baby blankets in prints with names like "lime disco dot" but some days I'd kill to track down one simple, tasteful classic baby blanket. And it has to be soft. And pretty. And made from certified organic cotton specially...

Origami Mommy

Origami Mommy

I'm all for broadening my daughter's exposure to new cultures (Dora not included), and the art of Origami seemed to be a good way to merge craft time with cultural studies. Unfortunately I was doing all the folding, and the animals ended up looking like she...

Pimp My Bugaboo

Pimp My Bugaboo

At the risk of being flamed, I hereby announce that I have a Bugaboo. And I freaking love it. Living in NYC there's no better stroller for tackling cobblestones, bumping down subway steps and generally looking swanky. It gets way more use than our car, natch - but...

One of These Things Is Not Like the Other

One of These Things Is Not Like the Other

I love books for my kids that are interactive. And I don't mean pressing a button to activate some evil voice chip which shouts commands like FIND THE LETTER T! More like Who's Hiding, a favorite new staple of our children's bookshelf.Each page is filled with rows of...

You ask, we answer: The CMP FAQ

You ask, we answer: The CMP FAQ

First, we just wanted to thank so many of you for helping us out by answering our Federated Media survey last month. But even more, we wanted to thank you for all the amazing words of support (seriously! We cried!) and excellent comments and suggestions you left in...

The Kids Shoe Adoration Continues

The Kids Shoe Adoration Continues

Let's continue what is fast becoming Kids Shoes Month at CMP. We have been bowled over lately by the number of far too cute footwear options for people far too little to appreciate such deliciousness. Way up on our list: The new sandals from CMP fave Livie and Luca....

Little Fingers For Big Change

Little Fingers For Big Change

When my daughter was a wee tot, my mother gave me a bunch of finger puppets. She put them in an old purse of my grandmother's and told me to take them to restaurants. Finger puppets enabled my husband and I to continue eating with childless adults, and we still use...

Future Foodies, Your Wardrobe is Ready

Future Foodies, Your Wardrobe is Ready

We have been blessed with a picky little eater in the family who won't indulge in standard American kids fare like hot dogs and chicken nuggets. That said, she is partial to a fine grating of Reggiano-Parmigiano over her fusilli and nibbles of mama's sushi.  If...

Not Your Average Nursery Decor

Not Your Average Nursery Decor

My six-year-old and I are at odds when it comes to decorating her room. She wants to paint it bubblegum pink, while I'm fearful of being reminded of Pepto (shudder). Fortunately, a compromise is on the horizon -- in the form of the creative new Blik wall decals....

Flipping for the Flip

Flipping for the Flip

We lost $10,000.Or to put it another way, that $10,000 should have been ours - if only the moment of spectacular toddler hilarity captured on videotape had actually been captured on videotape. After which of course we would send it off to America's Funniest Home...