My dad died when I was 22 — long before I met my husband, or had my son — and my mom is very much alive. So you wouldn’t necessarily think that the book Parentless Parents, by my friend Allison Gilbert, would resonate with someone like me. And yet it is one of the most inspiring parenting books I’ve ever read.
Lots of moms rely on Grandma or Grandpa to watch their kids when they desperately need a night out, to get parenting advice, or to remember how much cinnamon goes into the kugel recipe, but what do parentless parents do? How would losing your folks affect how you raise your own kids?
Related: Confessions of a mother without a mother on Mother’s Day
Okay, it’s not the happiest of thoughts. But the book has made me realize that my mom won’t be around forever, and that instead of having yet another boring conversation about the weather in Florida, it was time to finally ask her what it was like growing up as an only child. It’s a subject we’d never discussed, despite the fact that my son has no siblings either.
My favorite chapter is about keeping your parents’ memories alive, and is filled with ideas that every parent can use right now; not only to make sure our kids remember their grandparents, but to insure we leave lasting memories of ourselves.
And if nothing else, Parentless Parents inspired me to make sure that, instead of taking all the pictures on a family vacation, I actually step in front of the camera once or twice.–Betsy
Pick up a copy of Parentless Parents by Allison Gilbert from our affiliate Amazon, or support your local bookstore.
Just so you know, I’m getting a mailer-daemon when I try to send my entry.
Thank you for drawing attention to this book. I’m the only person I know who is raising my kids without either parent and it’s incredibly painful. I hate to dwell on it but I have appreciated reading how others deal with it. Many thanks!
I tried to email twice and it bounces back! I would love to have this book!
I also am getting the undeliverable message. If there’s another to enter, please let us know.
Thank you!
Meme —You are not alone. A very close friend is raising children with both parents deceased and I have one parent deceased with the other estranged for eons. It is a uniqueness that has bonded us since we first met and our children were infants. It is so very hard in so many ways. I look forward to both picking this up for me and sharing it with her. Thank you CMPs —
I also tried to email and got it bounced back, but thanks for the recommendation for what looks like a perfect book for me, I’ll look for it on Amazon.
Apologies all – the email was written incorrectly up top. We’ll open the contest one more day for you. Good luck!