by Betsy | Helpful Services
I really do like to cook, but I also like to keep my meals simple. Especially since my family eats like a pack of wolves and the meal that took me an hour to make is gone in about 8 minutes. So I’ve decided that, at least a few times a week, I’m going onto...
by Betsy | Books for Adults
When it comes to raising children without completely losing your mind Elizabeth Lyons wrote the book, literally. It’s called You Cannot Be Serious and 32 Other Rules That Sustain A (Mostly) Balanced Mom. [great giveaway after the jump!] Elizabeth is not a...
by Betsy | Food + Recipes
To say I’m not a baker would be like saying childbirth is somewhat uncomfortable. But I also happen to be a major baked goods addict, which means lot and lots (and lots and lots) of store-bought cookies and cakes make their way into my house. So needless to say...
by Betsy | Books for Adults
My husband’s favorite childhood memory may involve cracking open his brand new Atari game system and having a marathon Pong session, so it’s no surprise that he grew up to be a tad tech-obsessed. Which is why I got him a copy of Geek Dad: Awesomely Geeky...
by Betsy | Random Coolness
I had no idea how much I’ve been taking the fact that there are not one, but two IKEAs within driving distance of me for granted. Poor, poor Heather, the creative talent behind Skinny laMinx, who was so despondent over the fact that none existed in her homeland...