by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
If you have read through this site for more than one minute, then you have figured out that we are all about trying to make life easier. We know moms have very little time to themselves, and reading may not be on the top of your list. However, we suggest that after...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
When my daughter was born, I made a vow: no clothing with sayings like future hottie or future runway model. I mean come on, she’s a baby. Not a bulimic-in-training. Apparently I’m not alone in my convictions. TIred of all the negative, sexual, and...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
As a military family, we do our best to keep everyone posted on the goings on of the first grandchild. But, let’s face it, I can barely keep track of my own relatives, let alone my husband’s huge family. And, while we try to send dvds and get our daughter...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
If it takes you 45 minutes to find a credit card or you’re still carrying the receipt for your nursing pump (the one you bought in 2004), you might want to consider moving away from the wallet and into one of these great organizers from Good Morning, Morning....
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
As we’ve pointed out here before, the problem with most children’s music is that the more your kids love it, the more you want to jump out the window. Allow us to point you towards a few remedies–three bloggers with both children and excellent...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Kid Style
I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve been living in Mississippi too long (the pizazz capital of the world), or if I’m really a 3-year-old trapped in a woman’s body – but in either case, I heart glitter. However, as a new mama and a...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
While I was a poncho-wearing breastfeeder myself, let’s face it – ponchos are a little last year. And unless you like to wear wool in June, they’re not so great for temperature moderation in the warmer months (which is pretty much all but two, for my...