Watch your back, Jacques Pepin

Watch your back, Jacques Pepin

My kids have grown up knowing how important food is to me, so it’s not surprising that they are both fascinated by the kitchen. Children’s cookbooks are a frequent gift at birthday and holiday time, but I’m usually very disappointed in how so many of...
Smashies are a hit

Smashies are a hit

Back when my daughter was a toddler, I’d stroll the aisles of the supermarket and get incredibly angry. As a working mom, I wanted nothing more than to buy convenient snack packs of her favorite foods, but then I’d look at the nutrition labels and walk...
Baking kits for your own little Betty Crocker

Baking kits for your own little Betty Crocker

My daughter loves cooking with me. Loves it. And, while a mother/daughter cooking extravaganza might sound good in theory, the reality is actually quite messy. So I was intrigued by the many promises of Zebra Mix. These brownie, cupcake and cookie kits gives kids the...
New for Baby gets color happy

New for Baby gets color happy

Last weekend I had to buy baby gifts for two kids who are now toddlers, because the pressure I put on myself to buy something so useful and practical and cool and life-changing is so great that I end up procrastinating. For more than a year.Too bad I didn’t know...