by Liz Gumbinner | Baby, Kid Style
Growing up in the Snoopy generation, I certainly had no idea that the Red Baron was some war reference, and no understanding of the whole Marcie-Peppermint Patty lesbian theory. But I did spent countless sleepover parties with my girlfriends, cooing over Woodstock and...
by Liz Gumbinner | School Gear
As my daughter’s preschool starts preparing us for next year’s (eep!) full day schedule, I’m suddenly faced with the reality that we’re going to have to send her to school with lunch. Every day. I haven’t yet figured out how I’m...
by Liz Gumbinner | Baby, Kid Style
I am done with having babies. For real. But I have to admit, when I come across something as utterly delicious as this velour angel wing snapsuit from luxury kids label Marie-Chantal, it does give me pause.But no. NO. I’m standing firm here. All I need is a good...
by Liz Gumbinner | Family Travel
I learned early on that family vacations tend to be something you do for your children. [Ahem, fill in theme park of choice here.] Not so Club Med. In recent years the company has converted nearly all of their properties from places that singles went to be…very...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Adults
You can’t imagine the debates that went on in our household when it came to naming the grandparents for the first time. If you start factoring in inlaws and the inlaws’ inlaws, and everyone’s different traditions and expectations, it’s amazing...
by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion
CMP fave indie handbag designer Crystalyn Kae has taken the plunge into tweed and I’m not complaining a bit. The fabric formerly known as stuffy gets a fabulous makeover with Crystalyn’s innovative shapes, judicious use of hardware, and contrasting accent...
by Liz Gumbinner | Helpful Services
I find that reading labels is hard enough when I’m trying to figure out which cereal has less fat, or whether sugar is hidden in yogurt using some sixteen-syllable code name. But when you’ve got a kid with serious allergies, keeping an eye out for certain...
by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion
I can only imagine that flying with the fam used to be a whole lot better than it is today. You could push a stroller right through that metal detector, bring all the juice from home that you desired, and once on board, the kids got to visit the cockpit, eat some bad...
by Liz Gumbinner | Living
When you get a pitch for something called Poo-Pourri you think it’s a joke. Maybe a teaser for a Will Ferrell movie or an April Fool’s email that got lost in the ether for three months. But holy cow, it’s for real…and it’s good. Very...
by Liz Gumbinner | Entertainment + Media
I do like a lot of the educational cartoons on TV today, but c’mon! Where’s the Schoolhouse Rock of the 21st century? Where are the shows that try to break down the electoral process, explain the constitution or tackle global warming?Aha. Enter Heartwood...