LBDs for little ladies

LBDs for little ladies

As all grown up women know, the LBD (little black dress) is the secret weapon in every wardrobe. We can pull it out whenever we need something a little nicer than a pair of jeans and we can dress it up or down depending on the occasion. And now, so can our children....
Cool headband alert!

Cool headband alert!

I’ve always had a thing for headbands. It probably dates back to the first grade when I fell in love with a ribbon and bead headband a cool older girl made for me. Now CMP (and mom) fave Giddy Giddy is taking me back to my grade school days with their...
Accessories make the world go round. (Says us.)

Accessories make the world go round. (Says us.)

Now that I’m expecting baby number two, accessories are the only fashion items I will allow myself to indulge in. I mean, who knows what form my figure will take after I pop out this little dude? To that end, I will certainly be hitting up Style Tryst, a new...
Teething rocks

Teething rocks

Ok so maybe teething doesn’t really rock. In fact, it can be pretty painful for all parties involved. I recall more than my share of sleepless nights when my son’s teeth were coming in. Not fun.But maybe the teethers can be? I only wish I had known about...
Maia – Not your average yogurt

Maia – Not your average yogurt

I’d like to think of myself as somewhat of a yogurt connoisseur. I grew up on Dannon and over the years have tried everything from the healthy and organic to the junky and gimmicky. And apparently I’ve passed on the yogurt gene to my son because the first...
Tres chic for tres cheap!

Tres chic for tres cheap!

It’s quite possible that I might never set foot in an actual store again. I mean why bother schlepping outside when everything you could possibly want is a few clicks away? When I say everything, I mean the most gorgeous French designer baby clothes, all at...