While we love the gifts and gear for the wee ones in our lives, we’re always on the lookout for services and support just for the hard-working parents out there. Here are some of our favorites that we discovered this year.
Liz: This year’s best trend award goes to the online designer sample sales including Hautelook and Rue La La, which discount outrageous kids’ and adult clothing by up to 70%. Nope, not a typo.

Kristen: The free e-cards from Motherhood With Attitude and of course their actual printed cards save my butt consistently, and make me (and my recipients) laugh out loud every single time.

Liz: My new year’s resolution: More meal-planning with the help of online menu planning service Relish! and less take-out sushi. (Starting tomorrow. Tonight I feel like sushi.)
Kristen: Since a few of my neighborhood and even work groups have switched to BigTent to host their online groups,life has gotten way easier. Well, as easy as it can get with a husband, two jobs, and three kids.

Liz: If you want to lose the baby weight, Lullaby Exercises mommy/baby workout videos from Chicks-n-Chickens will help you feel the burn. Of course it helps if you had a really fat baby.

Kristen: It’s obvious that Chiara Kruza maternity wear knows what pregnant moms want. Well almost. She’s just missing the complimentary box of chocolates with every purchase.

Liz: Newborn photography is elevated to a whole new level with Baby Bella Photography, who comes right to your hospital and turns your most beautiful moments into your actual, most beautiful moments. We hope they make it to more cities soon.