Well after months of work, we can finally let you know the big news that’s been keeping us all busy lately: The official launch of Cool Mom Tech!
worry, you don’t have to be a so-called techie to feel at home over there.
You’re online right now mama, and that’s all the techie you need to be.
Check in daily and you’ll find the coolest picks to keep us stylish, keep us
organized, save us money, and keep our kids smart, safe, and entertained. Not necessarily in
that order. To see the kinds of things we love, just hit our Cool Mom Tech archives which we’ve loaded up with a few of Cool Mom Picks’ greatest tech hits.
you won’t find is breaking news on which company is launching a new
processor in 2013, or what guy with a goatee snubbed what other guy with
a goatee at some tech conference. Just the stuff moms care about, recommended by other moms who care about it too.
While we’ve got your attention, this is the perfect time to subscribe to our free Cool Mom Tech newsletter–did we mention
it’s free?–so we can keep you up to speed with all the daily coolness, along
with special offers and exclusive deals. In fact, one of our
subscribers at the end of the month will have the chance to enter to win
an amazing package valued at over $275 from Hewlett-Packard: an HP PW460t digital camera and an HP Photosmart e-All-in-One printer. All the details coming in our next newsletter.
Also, you can follow us on Twitter and keep up with our awesomely opinionated readers, as always, on our Facebook Fan page. Plus, subscribe to our RSS feed and get the coolness right ot your inbox.
Thanks for joining us! This should be a fun one.
-Publishers Liz Gumbinner + Kristen Chase, and Cool Mom Tech Managing Editor Beth Blecherman
Any questions? Comments? Glitches (oy, we know, we know)? Words of support and love? Email us at info[at]coolmomtech.com any time.
So excited to check out the new site! Congrats!
Brilliant! A very helpful addition to CMP!