by Kristen Chase | Spawned Podcast
If you’ve got as many photos on your phone as we do, then you know how challenging it can be to find what you need when you need it. Holy smokes. But we are not alone! How do I know this? Well, this week’s Spawned podcast guest, Casey von Stein, aka Miss...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast, Books for Adults
We’ve talked a long time on Cool Mom Tech about the importance of raising responsible digital citizens. And one thing we know: However old your kids, it’s never too early — or too late — to learn a few new parenting tips to keep our kids safe...
by Kristen Chase | Cool Tech
Big news, parents! We’ve got a new podcast called Out-Tech Your Kids, a tech-positive podcast for the age of digital parenting. Liz and I answer parents’ top burning tech questions in just 15 minutes or less each week. Hey, we know your time is valuable...
by Cool Mom Team | Cool Tech
With about six weeks into this COVID-19 quarantine, we’re all desperately longing for the connection of faraway friends and family. And while texting, phone calls, even writing letters (yes, remember those?) are a great salve to what we’re all feeling,...
by Cool Mom Team | Editors Best of the Year
Even though we started Cool Mom Tech in 2010, this past year, we saw an exciting parenting trend emerge: tech-positive parenting. But considering how powerful this movement has been, I’m pretty sure that it’s a trend that’s going to be around for a...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast, Tips + Tricks
We love sharing tips for saving money when it comes to holiday shopping. Maybe because we love saving money ourselves? So this week on the Spawned Parenting Podcast with Kristen and Liz we are hooking you up, big time. We’re rerunning a favorite show that...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
When we started Cool Mom Tech almost 10 years ago, there wasn’t a lot of language around digital parenting. But considering we tend to be the non-alarmist type of parents, we approached parenting our own digital-native kids like other difficult parenting topics: with...
by Kristen Chase | Helpful Services
As someone who was trained as a creative arts therapist, and has been in therapy myself for many years, I fully understand the value of counseling. Particularly during those extremely difficult teen years. I also know how challenging it can be to get a teen into...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
Is your phone ruling your life? Does your brain need a break? During our recent conversation with Catherine Price, science journalist and author of How To Break Up With Your Phone, we learned the science behind why our phones are so enticing, and how we can...
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
Spring is here, which if you’re like us, means spring cleaning. But in the 21st century, that also means dealing with digital clutter. Think those photos on your phone, or those files on your computer. And we won’t even talk about our email inboxes. But...