If your house is anything like mine, you’ve got two energetic kids trapped inside by nasty weather and a huge stack of shipping boxes waiting for the recycling truck. Put them all to good use with this DIY project that creates an adorable Christmas tree dollhouse out of supplies you already have on hand. You can even build in a jail, if your Elf on the Shelf is particularly naughty.
Our pals at Mr. Printables have found a simple way to turn those plain cardboard boxes into something extraordinary — and useful. All you need are their free printable plans and craft supplies you probably already have on hand: scissors, a knife, colorful paper, and tape. Stack the cardboard levels as high as you wish and let the kids decorate the rooms with paint, old holiday cards, and washi tape. You don’t even need painted peg people; any wee toys will feel the holiday spirit in front of a merry fire of orange tissue paper.
Except that Elf on the Shelf. I don’t trust him. Especially around fire.
Find the free DIY Christmas Dollhouse printables and plans to transform your cardboard box into a fun kids’ craft at Mr. Printables.