The countdown to summer has begun, and if your schedules are anything like ours, things get a whole lot crazier this last month (or couple of weeks, depending on where you live). On this episode of Spawned Parenting Podcast, we’re sharing our tried and true tips for surviving the stress of the end of the school year, some of which (or maybe all of which) you might not have thought about.

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Some of the topics we cover

– Why it’s a good idea to add your kids to your digital calendar

– How to streamline all those darn papers you need to sign

– How to make your class mom’s life easier (PS: It involves Venmo, which, guess what Liz? I signed up)

– What to make for these last few weeks of school lunches

– Why getting more sleep is a smart idea

– How to get your kids involved and helping (because isn’t that why we had them?)

And a whole lot more. Seriously, we’ll get you ready to tackle these last few weeks of school so you can be fresh and ready for your kids being home 24-7 all summer long. Ha. Haha.

This week’s sponsor

Giveaway alert: Celebrating Corolle's 40th anniversary with a big reader giveaway | sponsor

We’re so thrilled to welcome one of our longtime favorite brands, Corolle, as the sponsor of our podcast. We’ve been featuring them on our site for many years (and in fact, our own girls have owned their dolls), so how wonderful that they’re now a podcast sponsor. Their dolls are designed in France, and are made to be the perfect look, size, feel, and scent for your little ones, with dolls for every age and stage of your child’s life.

And get this: they’re celebrating their 40th anniversary, and as part of their celebration, they’re giving away 40 dolls to lucky listeners and readers AND to children in foster care through our giving partner The Fiaria Project. For entry details (it’s easy), visit our Corolle post. And to find a beautiful doll for your child or someone else’s, find them at your local neighborhood store, or online at

Our cool picks of the week 

Knack lets you customize the coolest gift boxes

Liz: Knack gift boxes that are super customizable. Such a great gift idea if you love the subscription box idea, but want to be able to pick the items and send it right away.

Kristen: Lisa Damour’s newest book, Under Pressure, which we read with our new CMP Book Club. If you missed joining us, well, you actually didn’t! We’re doing it all year long, with our next book being read right now. We hope you’ll join us!

And our cool podcast of the week is… Didn’t I Just Feed You? A podcast from professional cooks Stacie Billis (who you know from Cool Mom Eats) and Meghan Splawn, from The Kitchn. They tackle all sorts of food-related issues on their show, from how to turn nachos into turning to the magic of meatballs, and pretty much everything in between, with lots of awesome guests to boot. It’s all about feeding families, even if the parents don’t love to cool.

And if you need more food inspiration, be sure you’re a member of our Recipe Rescue Facebook group. We’ve got over 3000 parents ready to help give you inspiration or commiseration.

Thanks so much for listening to Spawned. When you subscribe, download our episodes, and tell your friends and family about our podcast, it really helps other people find us. 

Top Photo by Mike Fox on Unsplash