I don’t know about you, but DIY slime projects show no sign of slowing down in our home — let alone taking over less of our kitchen counter space.

We love the star-spangled July Fourth slime craft that Lexi shared here, but now with a little more summer craft time coming our way, I’ve been looking for the next step in her slime-making projects. One fun answer: these genius DIY slime pies from our friends at Handmade Charlotte.

Aren’t they so great for a fun party craft too?

Related: Tips, tricks and recipes to help you host the coolest, gooiest, best slime party.

How to make DIY slime pies: A great craft for your slime obsessed kid | tutorial: Handmade Charlotte

Click over for simple instructions for making tart shells, plus the delicious (but non-edible please!) filling, and pretty decorations for the top.

I will just note that this tutorial includes Borax at the beginning of step 4,  but t’s easy to modify with one of these Borax-free slime recipes. From there, just skip to the second half of that step, involving Mod Podge Matte and Folk Art Acrylic Paint.

Oh, and should you want your slime to smell like pie too? My daughter did massive amounts of research on the best scented oils, and she’s been very happy with the fragrant oils from P&J Trading in scents from apricot and coconut to s’mores, churros, and cotton candy.

You know just like in nature.