A four thousand-foot high classroom

A four thousand-foot high classroom

Trish Herr takes homeschooling to an entirely new level. Instead of white boards, we are talking white peaks. Her children carry backpacks with more than just pens and pencils–think emergency supplies, whistles, and trail mix. In this very unique memoir,...
Your Baby in Pictures

Your Baby in Pictures

I was fortunate to have an amazing photographer friend when my first baby was born–otherwise I’m pretty sure all I’d have of her was a bunch of blurry photos. Let’s face it, little ones are tough to photograph. Too bad I didn’t have this...
Is that a Picasso on your fridge?

Is that a Picasso on your fridge?

Dan Consiglio is the amazingly talented and funny author of the blog What My Kids’ Art Says. It’s a great site because Dan isn’t afraid to call it like it is. He looks at children’s artwork with the lens of an erudite art critic, not a...
No more tears

No more tears

My first two children were so easy to feed, I assumed it was due to my superior parenting (and cooking) skills that they would gobble down whatever I put in front of them without too much nose wrinkling. And then I had my son who humbled me and turned me into one of...