I Enjoy Being a Girl

I Enjoy Being a Girl

I might not be a huge fan of the lacy froo-froo get-ups for my daughter, but that doesn’t mean I can’t get sucked in by some of our awesome girlie picks – like these custom wool felt crowns from Cakies. Granted, they’re not really that girlie,...
Sitting Still is Highly Overrated

Sitting Still is Highly Overrated

At first glance, the shell-shaped plastic Bilibo seemed sort of odd to me. Is it a seat? A stool? Another container for junk? I was skeptical when it came our way to say the least. But then I gave it to my three-year-old and she literally played with it for a solid...
The Greening of Playtime

The Greening of Playtime

Okay so it’s like that old joke about grandparents who look at your kids’ video games and say VIDEO GAMES? Back in my day we played with twigs and rocks and we LIKED IT. But the truth is, is there really anything so bad about playing with twigs and rocks?...
Crafty Moms, This One’s For You

Crafty Moms, This One’s For You

Okay you mamas with the crafty gene. Now don’t be coy, you know who you are. You’re the ones who see some of the awesome handmade stuff we feature here and turn up your noses and say pfft, I could make that myself for THREE CENTS. And you might be right.So...
BPA-Free Beach Fun

BPA-Free Beach Fun

With Memorial Day just about a month away, I can almost smell the beach – or more like all the plastic toys that get crammed into our beach bags. But thanks to the Recycled Sand Play Set from Green Toys, you don’t have to feel quite as guilty about all the...
Hats Off to Plastisock Hats

Hats Off to Plastisock Hats

After last weekend rednecking it up at my mom’s house with a toddler pool on the front lawn and my cute naked girls, I realized it was probably time to start thinking sun protection. The sunhats from Swedish label Plastisock are totally rocking my world. If you...