Dinosaurs Are Our Friends

Dinosaurs Are Our Friends

I’m more than happy to oblige my daughter’s new dinosaur obsession, that is if I could find a cool shirt that doesn’t display a mean, scary T-Rex.I’m prefering Hildegard, my new favorite bike-riding dinosaur from parent-run label...
So the Girls, They Like to Twirl

So the Girls, They Like to Twirl

The notion of a dress "that twirls" used to seem kind of foo-foo to me until I thought back to my own childhood and my many hours simply spent spinning. I was like that kid in Parenthood who just spun until I fell down for fun, while other kids were doing...
Foot Fungus: The Good Kind

Foot Fungus: The Good Kind

We realize that baby booties are a frivolous purchase for a cute little lump who doesn’t do much more than poop and sleep (or if you’re my kids, not sleep). So that’s why you don’t buy them for your own baby. You get other people to...
Too Much…Magic Bus

Too Much…Magic Bus

Brooklyn parents have surely overheard other moms in the supermarket or the corner diner saying, "Oh we signed up for Kevin…he’s the best." They’re talking about Kevin Meeker, who teaches one of the more popular Music for Aardvark classes...
I Like  Zutano in the Springtime

I Like Zutano in the Springtime

One of the perks of editing Cool Mom Picks is that I get to run around trade shows with a press pass acting all important (ha) while checking out the cute designer kids clothes that won’t be out for another six months. One of the frustrating things about it: The...
Lucky Wang = Lucky Baby

Lucky Wang = Lucky Baby

Oh how I love kimonos on little babies. Just love them. While I’m excited that my eleven month-old is waving and clapping and saying YAH YAH YAH (seriously, does that count as a word?) I am sad that she’s moving past that age where I can just stick her in...
Bangs Be Gone

Bangs Be Gone

My daughter informed me that she wants to "lose her bangs." I’m not sure if it’s because she has somehow gone from 3 to 14 overnight, or if she just wants another few Seabands to wear. These bright, adorable cotton headbands from designer/mom...