by Christina Refford | Random Coolness
The first time I packed my kids up for a week of summer camp, I couldn’t get believe all the stuff they needed, even for day camp. And everything, everything, needed a name attached to it, something I unfortunately left to the last minute the first year. ...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
There’s no shortage of talk shows by moms for moms out there, many of which we’re huge fans of ourselves. But we have to admit when it’s one starring our own Editor-in-Chief Liz Gumbinner, we think it’s a number one hit. Okay, so maybe...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
We’re happy to be working with our sponsor Yahoo! Mail, who’s helping encourage families to stay connected via email. Which, as we know, is a good thing!While email (and email etiquette) seems to have been around for a million years or so, oddly, we all...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
I am completely geeking out on the idea that you can buy Monopoly money refills. Seriously, why did no one ever tell me before that this was possible? For one, the extra $16,550 in Monopoly money means we can play major high stakes knowing the bank won’t run...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Meta
We started Cool Mom Picks because we just had to share all of our amazing finds with someone besides each other. It’s all about sharing– deals, discounts, splurges, handy helpers, giveaways, and so much more. Our subscribers have an extra chance every...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Random Coolness
I’m such a huge Alice in Wonderland fan that I spent no less than five days trying to come up with just the right title to pay homage to this amazing Etsy find. And I love it so much that threatening my children with imaginary monsters was my final choice. And I...
by Christina Refford | Meta
We’re wishing the happiest of Mother’s Days to all the cool moms out there, the cool grandmas, stepmoms, mother-in-laws and just-like-moms. May your day be filled with lots of love, bear hugs, crayon-scribbled cards, and maybe some really good ice...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Helpful Services
We’re happy to be working with our sponsor Yahoo! Mail, who’s helping encourage families to stay connected via email. Which, as we know, is a good thing!When my first daughter was born, I was pretty diligent about keeping up her baby book. I even had a...
by Stephanie Slate | DIY, Random Coolness
Do you love nice, crisp boxes of brand new art supplies as much as I do? And do your kids somehow manage to rip those nice, crisp boxes within about eleven minutes of opening them as often as mine do? Well, take a look at this adorable tutorial for DIY art supply...
by Elizabeth | Random Coolness
I love to relive my kids’ momentous birth day with my husband, my kids and pretty much anyone who will listen. (Admit it–I’m not alone here.) So for all of us who are birth date obsessed, we’ve found a pretty cool keepsake. These adorable birth...
by Lexi Petronis | Helpful Services
I’m in a period of mega-emotion when it comes to the idea that my almost 4-year-old and about-to-be-1-year-old are past the wee little onesies. Every weekend, I sit down with a pile of old clothes from the garage–which is rapidly turning into a baby...
by Cool Mom Team | Baby, Meta
Want to win your own super fab Quinny Zapp Xtra stroller, valued at $299? And how about one more for each of your three closest friends? We can do that. Our Cool Mom Picks newsletter subscribers already know how much we adore them. (After all, without them we’d...