Happy 2011 cool moms!

Happy 2011 cool moms!

2011. Is it even possible? It just sounds so…future-y!From Kristen, Liz, and everyone at Cool Mom Picks, we wish you and your family a peaceful, beautiful, happy, healthy new year. We hope it’s filled with all the joy, all the success, all the nights of...
Happy happy and merry merry.

Happy happy and merry merry.

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish all you cool moms, cool dads, cool aunties + grandmothers, and all of your beautiful families, a very merry Christmas. -Kristen, Liz, and everyone at Cool Mom Picks. [poster via salt & paper shop. download yours free!]
Calling all you mama inventors

Calling all you mama inventors

Are you one of those people who is always coming up with good ideas for products? In our support for you mama entrepreneurs and all the genius we seem from you in our inboxes every day, we thought we’d tip you off to a chance to audition for season for the PBS...
I got your Situation right here, baby

I got your Situation right here, baby

I am horrified to admit that I have, upon occasion, watched Jersey Shore. I mean uh, I was just flipping through the channels on the way to a very educational nature show and accidentally stumbled upon it. Once. For four seconds.It’s clear that this is the...