by Cool Mom Team | Kids, Family Travel, Kitchen + Dining, Tips + Tricks
We’ve got a gaggle of snackers in our homes, so cool snack containers for kids are an absolute must. They’re a far more eco-friendly choice over plastic bags, which as we all know by now, not only saves waste but plenty of money over the long run. Plus,...
by Liz Gumbinner | Spawned Podcast, Tips + Tricks
Is a messy desk a sign of a messy mind? Is organization something we just have to give up for a while as parents? Is a single, perfect whiteboard the key to solving all your time management woes? Sarah Hart-Unger of the podcasts Best Laid Plans and Best of Both Worlds...
by Cool Mom Team | Valentine's Day, Tips + Tricks
We’re all about trying to find enjoyable, cheap and easy ideas for date night at home, especially for those of us with kids who’d like a little extra help rekindling that proverbial spark when we’re stuck sans sitter. Even if it’s just a few...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips + Tricks
Today marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Holocaust Memorial Day. It’s particularly poignant this year, with the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau Death Camp. The sad truth is, the older we all get, the more the survivors and...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks, Cool Tech
This is a sponsored message from SaneBox Whether that little red email badge is showing you 20 unread messages or 20,000, it can be overwhelming to feel like you’ll never get to the bottom of it. Enter SaneBox. Trusted by TechCrunch, The New York Times, Forbes...
by Kristen Chase | Tips + Tricks, Health, Fitness + Wellbeing
After two and a half years, we finally had COVID in the house. I’m certainly grateful for science (we’re all fully vaccinated and boosted) because the folks (including me) who were infected had relatively mild cases. And while I knew that at some point we...
by Liz Gumbinner | Health, Fitness + Wellbeing, Tips + Tricks
The past few years have been — as if you didn’t live through them too — kind of hellish. Okay, very hellish. You don’t need me to share the many many articles about how much work moms in particularly have been doing to balance everyone’s...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips + Tricks, Living
If you have a few minutes to spare, you can literally save money. And that sounds like a good way to start the new year, right? Of course I’m sure a lot of us have some version of “get my finances in order” on our list of New Year’s...
by Kristen Chase | Tips + Tricks
January 1 is my favorite holiday, and making New Year’s resolutions is my favorite way to celebrate. Okay, that and cleaning out my closets! (I know, I’m a party animal). I know that there are various approaches to New Year’s resolutions, many of...
by Kristen Chase | Tips + Tricks, Family Travel
If you’re looking for tips for flying with toddlers, you’ve come to the right place. Even though my four kids are now teens, they were once toddlers, and we used to travel a lot. That means there was a time when I was on a plane with toddlers and babies,...
by Liz Gumbinner | Doing Good, Tips + Tricks
You might have heard, but there’s a super important midterm election this Tuesday, November 8 in the US. There’s a lot on the line that impacts our lives, including bodily autonomy for women and girls, the cost of prescription drugs, maintaining social...
by Cool Mom Team | DIY, Tips + Tricks
We’re always happy to offer up parents ideas for what to do with all that leftover Halloween candy you’ll surely end up with. Well, at least after the small gorge-fest that your trick-or-treaters may be entitled to after all their hard work. So we’ve...