by Cool Mom Team | Doing Good
I remember sitting down at my very first PTA meeting, excited for my daughter to enter kindergarten at a wonderful public school, until I heard these words:It looks like we’ll have to cancel the dance program this year. I felt the tears well up in my eyes. As a...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
Anyone who caught the Emmys last night probably oohed and ahhed over Modern Family’s adorable Aubrey Anderson-Emmons. In case you’re wondering where she got that awesome little purple dress, it’s none other than Tea Collection, believe it or not. And...
by Cool Mom Team | Helpful Services
We were nothing short of thrilled to find out that we’ve won a Cribsie Award for the most trustworthy product reviews for parents. Thank you Cribsies!Considering more than 135,000 total votes were cast, and our formidable competition included Daily Candy,...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
We’ve been long time supporters of handmade here at Cool Mom Picks. In fact, it’s our original reason for being. And so when Kristal from Rik Rak Studio (love her stuff!) asked Liz and me to judge her amazing Handmade Olympics, we said...
by Delilah S. Dawson | DIY
It’s like Miss America for crafters, and you’re a judge. But there’s no Miss Congeniality. This one’s all about looks, and you only get one vote. Actually, it’s the competition for Martha Stewart’s annual Holiday Craft Fair at her...