Write on, baby!

Write on, baby!

Yes, chalkboards are huge right now. From mugs at Starbucks to the chalkboard wall decals we’ve covered here, scribbles on black is hott with two wobbly, handwritten T’s.And here’s a unique and adorable way to jump in on the cuteness, whether for...
Sipidee doo dah

Sipidee doo dah

I just saw the cutest ever sippy cups–so cute in fact that despite the fact that my girls are (thankfully!) almost past the sippy cup stage, I immediately thought about whether I could justify owning them. The sippy cups from SugarBooger (I know, ignore the...
Birthday Goody Bag Giveaway – Day 2

Birthday Goody Bag Giveaway – Day 2

The fun continues in our big fifth birthday week celebration! It’s like the birthday gift that keeps on giving. To you. How fun!Today we’re giving away five more goodie bags, packed with some of our faves. Starting with a super swanky, celeb-favorite Timi...
Baby clothes with magnets = Magnificent!

Baby clothes with magnets = Magnificent!

I couldn’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve mis-snapped my baby’s onesies and sleepers during a middle of the night diaper change. Heck, I’ve even done it during the day. And now, since finding Magnificent Baby, I’m seriously...
A stylish baby gate. I kid you not.

A stylish baby gate. I kid you not.

I’m not a big fan of baby gates. Sure, I appreciate the protection they offer, don’t get me wrong. But more often than not, they’re ugly. Now, I’m no interior decorator, but I do like my home to look good. And bland wooden baby gates simply do...
The best breast pump you’ve never heard of

The best breast pump you’ve never heard of

I’ve always been a pretty casual user breast pump user, since I work from home and rarely leave the baby (sigh). However this year, we decided to leave my littlest one with my mom for a few days so I could spend some quality time with my other three kiddos on a...