by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
There are plenty of products out there that claim to make life easier for parents when really, it just seems like they take money out of our pockets and fill up the landfills. That’s so clearly not the case with Wisey, a company that is truly smart (ha!) about...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Considering I can barely keep track of my cell phone, let alone a baby bottle cap, just guess how many bottle caps I’ve lost.Okay don’t hurt yourself with all that math. Thank goodness for Baby Safe Caps, which simply fit onto...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Car seat covers serve three excellent purposes: They make older seats look new, they cover the ugly fabrics, and they wash up more easily than the existing covers which don’t actually wash at all. Only problem is, some of the fabrics are so wild, they’re...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
A high chair isn’t exactly the kind of baby gear you think you’ll fall in love with. A crib, perhaps. A diaper bag, absolutely. But that eyesore in the middle of your dining room that you will spend the next 30 or so months of your life scraping dried baby...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Rather than argue about the value of a changing table, I’d much rather complain about the crappy changing pad options out there. Most are incredibly flimsy, and require covers that end up in the wash almost as often as I’m changing diapers.The genius...