by Christina Refford | Books for Adults
Having lived through the hippie styles of the 70’s, the new-wave neon of the 80’s, and the regrettable grunge fashions of the 90’s, I have enough embarrassing family family photos to fill a book. A very cringe-worthy, hilarious book. Which is just...
by Mir | Books for Adults
Do you suppose our parents agonized so much over what kind of parents they were as we do, today? Probably not. And yet, I hate to cast aspersions on folks genuinely seeking guidance on the right way to raise little people into fabulous adults. It’s what we all...
by Christina Refford | Books for Kids
I run with a tough crowd of Type Nerds, the kind who can spend an hour discussing the joys of Helvetica, the horrors of Comic Sans, and play an iPhone game called “Cheese or Font” (yes, this really is a game). But even for those of us who can’t...
by Betsy | Books for Adults
My relationship with Molly Ringwald spans several decades (oh God, that’s scary). From the minute she stepped into detention in The Breakfast Club to the birthday cake-eating moment on the dining room table with the cutest boy ever in Sixteen Candles, I was...
by Christina Refford | Food + Recipes
It’s National Teacher Appreciation Week, meaning free pedicures and lattes should be raining down on all those lovely people who take care of our kids’ precious minds throughout the school year. So, don’t hold back: Tell a teacher how much you...
by Stephanie Slate | Books for Adults
Well, Earth Day is almost here and how am I going to celebrate our lovely planet? By shopping, of course. I kid. Sort of. Big Green Purse: Use Your Spending Power to Create a Cleaner, Greener World, the wonderful new book by environmentalist Diane MacEachern and...
by Cool Mom Team | Family Travel
We love checking out what’s new and hot at one of our fave boutiques, Psychobaby, and this spring is no exception. They’ve packed their virtual shelves full of warm weather duds that will make your little hipster stand out at the playgroup.Now...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Food + Recipes
Don’t tell anybody, but I just threw away an entire head of organic cauliflower. Why? Because I bought it on sale and then forgot to cook it. And then it grew spots. I am apparently the perfect candidate for Aviva Goldfarb’s new book SOS! The...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Uncategorized
You can’t throw a rock without hitting a Twilight t-shirt, but now you can finally use 100% cotton to demonstrate your devotion to the greats of the literary world. Salinger. Hemingway. Rand. Bradbury. We’re talking total street cred with the indie crowd,...
by Cool Mom Team | Books for Adults
After a few weeks of a ridiculous lack of sleep, I decided it was time to do something about it. And do something I did–with much success–thanks to Bedtiming: The Parent’s Guide to Getting Your child to Sleep at Just the Right Age, an awesome sleep...