The handbag that makes the world a better place

The handbag that makes the world a better place

I love handbags. I mean, really, I love handbags — they’re the perfect accessory, because they’re beautiful and practical. Your stuff has to go somewhere, after all. And right now, I am extra super in love with the Tabitha bag from HelpingHandbags,...
Hearthsong is a sanity saver

Hearthsong is a sanity saver

We at Cool Mom Picks may be great at finding stuff, but that doesn’t mean we’re so great at remembering to actually buy it ourselves in a timely manner. With an uncompleted shopping list that includes a newborn, a few toddlers, some kids and a couple of...
Shop for Anissa, today!

Shop for Anissa, today!

A few days ago we told you about our friend and fellow blogger, Anissa Mayhew, who suffered a severe stroke in late November. We are so pleased that today is Shop For Anissa Day in which more than 60 businesses have agreed to donate a portion of today’s sales to...
Shop for Anissa

Shop for Anissa

We were dismayed when we learned that our friend, fellow blogger, and all around cool mom of three, Anissa Mayhew, suffered a severe stroke a few weeks ago which has left her hospitalized–but increasingly responsive every day. Known for her lively tweets and...
World AIDS Day is today, and every day

World AIDS Day is today, and every day

The biggest health chatter in my town may be about swine flu, but we can’t forget that AIDS is still a force to be reckoned with, especially among women and children who make up more than half of the people living with HIV worldwide. Today being  World AIDS...
A new Thanksgiving tradition thanks to Mercy Corps

A new Thanksgiving tradition thanks to Mercy Corps

I love Thanksgiving. Just love it. Despite the fact that the whole history behind it might be somewhat mythological. (Were the Native Americans really that underdressed in November? Hm.) Still, I adore what it’s become, at least in our family. But then, I have a...