by Delilah S. Dawson | Valentine's Day
You’re almost out of time, lover. Good news: We’ve rounded up creative last-minute Valentine’s Day gifts that will remind your honey how much you love them every day. Even if you also have to love them enough to pay a ton for quick shipping or to run out and find a...
by Liz Gumbinner | Easter Gifts
While we were putting together our Guide to Easter Gifts for Teens + Tweens, we came across this awesome Allergy-Friendly Chocolate Bunny from a longtime favorite of ours, No Whey! Foods. It’s a long list of gift ideas, so I wanted to be sure it didn’t get...
by Christina Refford | Valentine's Day, Food + Recipes
As we are recognizing Black History Month right along with Valentine’s Day, in February, I’ve found some wonderful Black chocolatiers who are making history in their own right: with entrepreneurship that helps create more racial and economic justice...
by Christina Refford | Food + Recipes
Happy New Year! The Year of the Tiger begins tomorrow and, just in time, we’ve found L.A. Burdick’s box of handcrafted chocolate tigers created to kick off the start of the Chinese New Year. Way more scrumptious than fierce, I think they’d make a...
by Christina Refford | Uncategorized
I am usually a big advocate for letting Thanksgiving have its own precious time before shifting my focus on to Christmas. But, with Thanksgiving falling so late in November this year, those of us who celebrate Christmas will want to have a cool Advent calendar ready...
by Caroline Siegrist | DIY
We’ve had so much find finding creative 2018 Advent calendars for kids. And even if you don’t think the holiday season needs more presents and candy (agree to disagree), I think you might change your mind when you see these awesome calendars. Whether your...
by Liz Gumbinner | Beauty + Cosmetics, Tips + Tricks
I have been blessed my whole life with the gift of “can I see your ID please, Miss?” skin. (All credit goes to my mom and grandmother for that one.) But now for the first time, I am grappling with — cue the horror movie music — aging skin. I...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Food + Recipes
Look, I’m never turning down that heart-shaped box from the drugstore, but nothing says I really, really love you like artisan chocolates made with natural ingredients, crazy good chocolate, and somebody’s hands instead of a machine. Trust me, these fancy...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Food + Recipes
Gold coins are a must for Hanukkah, but you don’t have to settle for the waxy ones at the store that make your teeth itch. Check out these six amazing kinds of gourmet gelt and revel in quality ingredients, fair trade cocoa, and posh packaging. There’s...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
I have a confession: I’m a recovering cereal addict. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner—and have on occasion—and, would eat it at every snack time if I could. As would my kids. In fact, cereal is one my of our secret ingredients when making a few of...