This schoolhouse rocks

This schoolhouse rocks

Today I was so desperate for a new project to pull the tiny whiners off my knees that I gave them a huge cardboard box and some Sharpies. They ended up just stomping on the bubble wrap inside, much to my headache’s eternal sadness. But if you plan ahead a...


This is one of those times when I find myself wishing I owned a sewing machine. And that I had a single crafty bone in my body. Check it out: Gulf Coast Cottage, a wonderful shop filled with soft toys, has an entire category filled with nothing but PDF patterns for...
Tools for those a little green around the grills

Tools for those a little green around the grills

Yes it’s kind of a cliche that all dads like barbecuing and therefore all need grill tools for Father’s Day. But at least in my family, all the dads do like barbecuing and need grill tools for Father’s Day, so there. I love the look of all the...
Martha Stewart Crafts says it with flowers

Martha Stewart Crafts says it with flowers

While the gorgeous spring weather is here and I want my kids out out out of the house, I still need to keep our craft supply drawers stocked for those stormy days. My kids have been going nuts lately for the Martha Stewart craft punches, and especially the new flower...