For the kid who eats like a bird

For the kid who eats like a bird

I realize that school is now in full swing, but if you have yet to find the perfect lunch box, or if your house is the mysterious Bermuda Triangle of lunch bags like mine, you can’t have too many reusable lunch bags. Particularly if they’re...
The Taj Mahal of kids’ playhouses

The Taj Mahal of kids’ playhouses

I’m not gonna beat around the bush: Modern Playhouse makes a seriously cool modern playhouse. We’re talking the Taj Mahal of fourteen-square-foot living, folks. No more faded plastic hot dog stands or cardboard that crumples when your unruly toddler learns...
Hot for purple

Hot for purple

I still remember the moment I found the perfect little purple striped cotton girls dress from Petit Bateau. It was a splurge for sure. But I was pregnant with #2, and knew I’d get a whole lot of use out of it two times around. (You can even see it on my daughter...
Now that’s my kind of tea party

Now that’s my kind of tea party

I don’t get to take a bath in my Jacuzzi tub very often, mainly because it’s full of tiny little teacups and saucers and one random pink pig who, I’m told, likes hot chocolate and cake. My kids have pretty much taken over the tub that made me want to...
Boys like play castles too, ya know.

Boys like play castles too, ya know.

In a house full of girls, my son is used to playing with pink ponies and pretty castles. Really, I’m all for it. But it is nice to find pretend play toys that are a little more gender neutral too. The eco-friendly castle tower from Imagination Box Co is a little...
Guilt free snack packing

Guilt free snack packing

I know, I know – we keep featuring reusable snack bags! What can I say, there are so many to choose from these days. Our job is just to pare down the cool ones for you, and we’ve got a couple more options for you, whatever your own personal lunch packing...