Organize your books from A to Zombie

Organize your books from A to Zombie

Run, don’t walk, to get your hands on this sharp set of bookends. From Boneshaker to World War Z, you’ve finally got a place to keep your favorite books about how to survive the coming zombiepocalypse. Not into zombies? That’s okay, too. This...
Little Red Riding Hoodie

Little Red Riding Hoodie

I am an absolute sucker for handmade dolls and dress up clothes. It really makes dramatic play a personal and organic experience for kids. So I tend to shy away from synthetic fibers and licensed characters when I can, in favor of something made with a little more...
Yes, girls like dinosaurs too.

Yes, girls like dinosaurs too.

Both of my kids were huge dinosaur fans from the moment they discovered the magic of the enormous T. Rex at the Museum of Science in Boston. One look at those glinty eyes and tiny hands, and they were hooked. And while I was able to find a lot of plastic, rubber and...
From the mouths of parents

From the mouths of parents

As soon as I finished goo-goo-gaa-ing at my babes, I found myself transitioning into the “Things I Can’t Believe I’m Saying” phase, like Don’t color the cat! and Peas stay out of the nose! Which is one reason I love these art posters that...
Making your own Easter bunny

Making your own Easter bunny

I am not a crochet master (or even a crochet apprentice), but if I were, I would totally be buying the PDF so I could make an adorable amigurumi bunny like this one. So for all you crafty mamas, check out the amigurumi bunny crochet pattern from Etsy’s The...
And we’re off…

And we’re off…

Spring just makes me want to get out. Also redecorate. Which is hard to do if I’m always out. But now there’s this lovely bit of art that kind of bridges both needs for me. This “Off to See the World” embroidery hoop art from the UK’s...