by Lexi Petronis | Food + Recipes
As someone who has a soft spot for peanut butter (a combination of words that is almost impossible to say when you’re actually eating it), we always have a jar sitting around somewhere. But the more peanuts are disappearing from schools, airplanes, and other...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
With a lactose-intolerant family member, I’m always on the lookout for sweet treats that aren’t made with cow’s milk. Whether you’re dairy-free like she is, you’re a vegan, or you just like yummy things, I just found a brand of handmade...
by Cool Mom Team | Food + Recipes
For my entire life, dairy and I have had a love/hate relationship. Currently we’re in hate mode. Well, at least my stomach is. And the same goes for a couple of my kids. But I’m also a bit of a sweets addict, which makes binges a little challenging....
by Delilah S. Dawson | DIY, Food + Recipes
Guess what, mamas? It’s American Chocolate Week! Or at least the end of it. The way we see it, you just have to suck it up and do your patriotic duty by gorging on chocolate, right?If you love chocolate as much as we do, here are some of our favorite picks from...
by Barbara | Food + Recipes
I am tired of grabbing a quick, on-the-go “power” bar for my kids (and for me), only to find yet again that we’re just eating a glorified candy bar. When I choose to put candy in my kids’ lunch, I want it to be mindfully (yay! candy!), and when...
by Barbara | Food + Recipes
That growing anxiety I feel is because Thanksgiving is right around the corner, like a really long race I have to run and if I down, I’ll never catch up again. Luckily, there are some food-tastic sites and bloggers who are a great help to you in your final hours...
by Christina Refford | Uncategorized
As my milk-allergic daughter will tell you, the Thanksgiving table can hold one big heaping of “no” for kids with food allergies. No, you can’t have that. Or that. Or that. And nowhere is this more apparent than when desserts are brought out. So...
by Stephanie Slate | Baby, Food + Recipes
Kids like snacks. Like, really, really like them. Understatement of the year, right? I truly believe that if I just had a constant supply of snack-type foods on hand, my children would eat all day. And I have a sneaking –or is it snacking?– suspicion that...
by Christina Refford | Food + Recipes
With some Halloween candies containing loads of hydrogenated oil, artificial colors and even high-fructose corn syrup, I appreciate why so many of us are taking a closer look at what we drop into those pillow cases come October 31st. Even me. And admittedly, I love...