by Liz Gumbinner | Easter Gifts, Kid Style
One of my favorite things to do each year on Cool Mom Picks is look for the prettiest, sweetest, coolest girls’ Easter dresses in every price. Whether or not you celebrate Easter. To me, spring is just such a long-awaited respite, that getting my daughters one...
by Christina Refford | Kid Style
If you’ve been putting off buying new spring clothes for your growing-like-a-weed child because they find most clothes too scratchy, tight, or rough, check out Soft clothing, a brand we’ve loved since they launched. And get ready to stock your kids’...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
After a winter that pummeled us with snow I’m actually looking forward to a few spring showers. So not surprisingly, this little happy kawaii cloud tee for kids is making me happy too. There’s not a huge selection at Canadian indie label Whistle + Flute,...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
One of my favorite trends for kids this spring, besides the whole dip-dye ombre look, is floral clothes. Normally I think of them as a little twee, but what I’m seeing is bold, fun without frills, and nothing like what Laura Ingalls wore back in the day. Here...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
We’ve come a long way from the days our readers asked us to find a dinosaur dress for girls and it took a little bit of digging. Now the pendulum is swinging the other way with a clever company called Quirkie Kids which is making pink tees for boys and girls...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
Safari prints are going to be a big trend this spring, but that doesn’t mean dressing your kid like a wannabe Real Housewife. (I’ll stop there. I’ve said too much already. ) There are some really adorable prints and patterns on kids’ clothes...
by Liz Gumbinner | Kid Style
I discovered the wonderful work of the Kenyan rescue charity, the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, several years ago, when my parents fostered an orphaned baby elephant on behalf of my children. We continue to follow Kenze’s progress to this day and we love the...