I got your Situation right here, baby

I got your Situation right here, baby

I am horrified to admit that I have, upon occasion, watched Jersey Shore. I mean uh, I was just flipping through the channels on the way to a very educational nature show and accidentally stumbled upon it. Once. For four seconds.It’s clear that this is the...
The grinch gets greener

The grinch gets greener

Watching The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is a holiday tradition around here and I can only imagine how well this greener version of the grouchy Grinch himself would go over peeking out of my kid’s stocking. Now I realize that technically speaking, Dr....
Wrap it up to go

Wrap it up to go

I love the hustle of the holiday season: cooking, shopping and giving are three of my favorite things. What I really don’t like is finding the right wrapping paper for my latest treasures – and it can get ugly when I have multiple smaller gifts, for...

Custom ornaments that are about as cool as it gets

My daughter has signed on to the idea of Christmas early. Not “early” like prodigy-early; I mean early like she discovered a teensy faux Christmas tree in our garage this summer and has been diligently decorating it for the past three months with last...
It’s a card. That’s a gift.

It’s a card. That’s a gift.

I love the idea of giving out a little something more than a holiday card to my friends and family. Of course, I wish I could give everyone a gift, but since money doesn’t grow on trees, here’s another idea.[don’t miss a great offer after the jump]...