One day at a time

One day at a time

Remember how nice it was when you were a kid and got kudos for oh, say, trying your string beans? Making your bed? Brushing your teeth? While we still hopefully commend our own kids for those things (that is, when they do them!), I am simply in love with this...
Keeping the kitchen art gallery alive

Keeping the kitchen art gallery alive

In this era of the stainless steel fridge, there is one problem befuddling even the smartest of parents: where do we hang the kids’ art? Well, fret no more fellow kid-art aficionados, because Petit Collage has a brilliant solution that will change your...
The glider chair has come a long way, baby

The glider chair has come a long way, baby

One of my most tedious nursery purchases nearly six years ago, was our glider. I went with that ubiquitous glider brand, whose styles were just…not me. It did the job of course, but it never made me happy to look at and it didn’t feel right when the...