by Liz Gumbinner | Kids, Tips + Tricks
Hi! Total homeschooling newbie here, and now here I am, trying to create a homeschool schedule — or some semblance of one — to help keep us sane. Um, it’s not easy. For background, I am the parent who thought I could wing it with newborn nap...
by Kristen Chase | Tips + Tricks
As we all scramble to grapple with the new normal of our kids home from school, I’m thankful for the teachers in my life who have been doing this job for years. I can always count on them for great ideas, like these 10 writing exercises, from a friend and former...
by Kate Etue | Entertainment + Media
As a homeschooling mom, I know how educational documentaries for kids can help fill the days, balance entertainment with education, and even give us longer breaks when we need it. I even included it in my tips for parents who are now homeschooling. So I’ve put...
by Kate Etue | Tips + Tricks, Cool Tech
With all the school closures right now, we know so many of you are looking for the best homeschooling resources. (Like, a lot of you!) We hear you! So first, I suggest you read my post on a homeschooling mom’s tips for teaching your kids at home during school...
by Kate Etue | Tips + Tricks
So, school’s been cancelled for the indefinite future and you’re about to become a homeschooling parent, maybe for the first time. Now that you’re stuck at home with the kids for the next two, four…ten weeks, what in the world are you going to...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
It’s time to make your 2020 reading list! This is our fifth year to round up all the year’s best-of lists of children’s books, all in one convenient place for you, so you can have quick access to dozens of ideas when you’re at the bookstore or...
by Liz Gumbinner | Books for Kids, Kids
As the holidays get closer and our annual search for off-the-beaten path gifs for kids gets more intense, I’m so delighted to recommend a subscription to Illustoria. A magazine “for creative kids and their grownups,” it makes an amazing gift for kids...
by Kate Etue | Books for Kids
Hispanic Heritage Month runs from September 15 – October 15 each year, and our favorite way to honor the occasion is by sharing some of our very favorite children’s books honoring Hispanic heritage. So this year. I’ve picked five brand new books that celebrate...
by Cool Mom Team | Kids, Cool Tech
This is a sponsored message from Coding With Kids If you’re trying to balance fun and educational after school activities for your kids this year, Coding With Kids has you covered with both at once. Because, coding! For five years, Coding for Kids has taught...
by Cool Mom Team | Kids, Cool Tech
This is a sponsored message from Reading Eggs If there’s one desire all parents have in common, we want to make sure our kids are doing well in school, learning the skills they need for success, and working to the best of their ability. And there’s...