by Liz Gumbinner | Valentine's Day
However you celebrate today, moms and dads, you deserve it! Lots of love, Liz, Kristen + the Cool Mom team.
by Georgette Gilmore | Valentine's Day, Cards + Stationery
Hooray! It’s funny Valentine’s Card time at Cool Mom Picks! If you’re more silly than sentimental, more snarky than sappy, then each year, we have the best time tracking down the perfect Valentine’s Day card for you. I think these 16 are sure...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
The other night, at my annual apartment building Christmas party — that’s the NYC version of a block party, by the way — a neighbor asked, “so who here gets Chinese food and sees a movie on Christmas?” Basically, everyone raised a hand....
by Lexi Petronis | Uncategorized
Who could use the gift of laughter during the holidays — especially these holidays, at the end of a very stressful year? Everyone, that’s who. That’s why I love the idea of getting my friends funny holiday hostess holiday gifts for all my upcoming...
by Ellyn Exley Dvorkin | Uncategorized
Raise your hand if you’re bored with standard Christmas cards! If you’re looking for your holiday card to stand out on mantles everywhere, I have you covered. Check out these amazing Christmas movie-themed cards by artist Mary Shelffo of Etsy shop The Lassoed Moon....
by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
Every December, we love seeking out the funniest Christmas cards and holiday cards out there, and this year is no different. I mean hey, we adore the holidays, but let’s be real, they can be a bit…stressful. So thank goodness for cookies and cocktails and...
by Georgette Gilmore | Living
Inspirational? Check. Sassy? Check. Funny AF? You bet. The 125 Collection candles cover all the bases. I’m so happy to discover these 100% natural, premium scented soy candles that were created by two entrepreneurial women in Harlem, NYC. (On 125th Street, get...
by Cool Mom Team | Toys + Playthings
This post is sponsored by Nintendo, who is awesome for letting us do this. The 80s and 90s were…quite a time. And so we cordially invite you to laugh with (at?) us as we depict some of the stuff we don’t miss a bit. From the hell of cassette tapes to...