by Delilah S. Dawson | Uncategorized
The Cool Moms (me especially) always check EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database before reviewing a product to make sure the ingredients meet a persnickety mom’s health and safety needs. Now we’re excited to announce that EWG is going further than Skin...
by Barbara | Books for Adults
I’d prefer one dozen versions of the “where do babies come from” talk with my kids before I’d sign up for even one “and this is how money works” discussions. I can cheerfully rattle off twenty-seven slang terms for body parts, but...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
One of the important challenges we face as parents ourselves is how to teach our kids about money. And not just the difference between a dime and a nickel–yes, the nickel is bigger but it’s not worth more. Boy, that’s a hard one with our...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
The next in our series of New Year’s resolution help: Better financial management for the new year. (What? Not just us, right?) Here, just a few of our favorite simple tips and resources to help you get off to a good start in 2012. -LizGet your head in the...
by Lexi Petronis | Baby, Fashion
When I was six months pregnant with my second baby, the company I worked for was putting on a big, fancy shindig. Said shindig required me to go on a stage and speak in front of 800 people. I started to stress–mostly about what to wear. I wanted a stylish,...
by Christina Refford | Uncategorized
My younger kids wear a lot of their siblings’ hand-me-downs but, at Halloween, they draw the line. They want their own special costume and so I take a deep breath and buy new Halloween costumes every year. Oh sure, their old costumes get passed on...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Entertainment + Media
My biggest complaint about fashion magazines, besides the perfume samples, is… well, the perfume samples. But I also hate it when my eyes fall in love with cuteness before hitting the huge price tag printed below. Shoestring Magazine solves both problems:...
by Christina Refford | Baby, Kid Style
Back when my kids were outgrowing their outfits every three months, it pained me to have to restock their wardrobe continually. It wasn’t just the cost, it was the time it took to select each item. That’s why I’m intrigued by the new easier-swap site...