by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
We’ve been really pleased to get so much great feedback from you all when we post about financial matters, from budget tips to college savings. As parents, it’s one of our (many, many) jobs to be as financially prepared as possible– not just for all the awesome...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
Money doesn’t grow on trees, you know! How many times have we heard those words coming out of our parents’ mouths, and now these days, coming out of own mouths when talking to our kids about spending? Funny how that happens, right? But the lesson behind...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
Saving for your kid’s college education might seem super far off, as you sit awake in the middle of the night bouncing a tiny baby back to sleep or checking over that first-grade math homework. But actually, it’s never too soon to start thinking about it....
by Cool Mom Team | Spawned Podcast
Sometimes we agree on topics, sometimes we disagree, and sometimes we just figure it out as we talk it out. Sometimes, it’s all three! Which is in part why we think you’ll really enjoy this week’s discussion on the Spawned podcast about kids’...
by Liz Gumbinner | Family Travel
This is a sponsored post on behalf of the National Parks Service and the Amex EveryDay Credit Card which helps you make the most out of…#EveryDayMoments. (You guessed it.) When I think of the US National Parks, my mind tends to go right to places...
by Kristen Chase | Tips + Tricks
It’s probably no surprise that I have a penchant for shopping, but for about the last six months in particular, I’ve actually been trying to cut back, seeing as how we’ve now got braces, and summer camp, and hopefully a family vacation to save for....
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
We’re always looking for ways to save time and money grocery shopping, especially during the holiday season when we’re all feeling stretched thinner than usual in every way. We’re spending more on holiday gifts and family travel, and even...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips + Tricks
These days, there’s no shortage of ways to save money, which is certainly welcome over the holiday season and our growing shopping lists. And it’s not just about coupons, discounts, and deals, which we love, of course. Taking steps to live more sustainably...
by Liz Gumbinner | Helpful Services
For the last year, I’ve been partnering with American Express, in part because I love Amex (member since forever) and partly because when I see those awesome Tina Fey commercials, I’m now sure we’re really just two degrees from being best friends. If...