Silhouette yourself into the bride of Frankenstein

Silhouette yourself into the bride of Frankenstein

Anyone can pick up a package of boring old jack-o-lantern paper plates at the grocery store. But guess what you can’t get there? Customizable Halloween plates featuring your kiddos, all Halloween-ized with a spooky bride of Frankenstein hair, devil horns or a...
T is for tushie

T is for tushie

If you ask me, babies’ butts might be the cutest things in the whole wide world: Squeezable, kissable and downright delish. (Am I revealing too much here?)So when I saw this new collection of custom baby bloomers and boxers with initials sewn onto the tush area,...
Oh how fast they grow

Oh how fast they grow

I’m always looking for cool alternatives to our current growth chart – pencil markings on our kitchen doorway. Classy, huh? I suppose anything would be a step up. But the amazingly cute personalized ones we just found are a huge, welcome leap....
Boys get grubbie, in a good way

Boys get grubbie, in a good way

The concept of cool boys clothes shifts as kids get older. At first cool is defined by his mom, but mark my words, at some point — for me it was around 7 — your son will start to have very definite ideas on what constitutes cool and what is horrifyingly...
Modern telegrams -(STOP)- For real -(STOP)-

Modern telegrams -(STOP)- For real -(STOP)-

It’s unlikely that you need to let anyone know that the stagecoach is likely to be late or that there’s trouble at the train depot, but why should that stop you from adding a vintage twist to that special message? If you go to Telegram Stop, for under $6...
First baby shoes by First Nations women

First baby shoes by First Nations women

Sure, we’ve all had elasticized slippers for our babies, but when was the last time your baby went out in hand-made, hand-beaded leather stay-on moccasins made by First Nations women in Canada? Not recently, I’m willing to bet. These little moccasins from...
This schoolhouse rocks

This schoolhouse rocks

Today I was so desperate for a new project to pull the tiny whiners off my knees that I gave them a huge cardboard box and some Sharpies. They ended up just stomping on the bubble wrap inside, much to my headache’s eternal sadness. But if you plan ahead a...