Baby gifts with your own personal touch

Baby gifts with your own personal touch

Picking out a baby gift for my brand new niece, Isabella, was incredibly easy when I discovered makaboo–or difficult depending how you look at it. [don’t miss a great offer, and giveaway after the jump!] Easy, because the shop has a great selection of...
Baptism gift ideas? Reader Q&A

Baptism gift ideas? Reader Q&A

You guys are so great at finding great gift ideas, and so I come to you with this: I have my fourth niece/nephew to buy a gift for . . . Hoping you have some good ones up your sleeves! -Christina W. Congratulations again! I hope these ideas help you find...
Give the gift of baby labels

Give the gift of baby labels

I’ve learned over the years it’s nearly impossible to register for everything that you will need for your new baby. In fact, I’ve got a huge list of items that I wish I had thought of asking for or even just ordering for myself. And up high on that...
Kids name labels go designer

Kids name labels go designer

If you’re like me, then you probably try to have a nice stack of name labels on hand for all those things your kids have to take to camp, school, daycare and everywhere else their busy little social calendars may take them. But when kids start to outgrow those...
Cool aunts deserve some lovin’ too

Cool aunts deserve some lovin’ too

The adorable personalized baby onesies from Mitetees are some of our favorite baby shower gifts around here, and they’ve impressed us again, this time with their brand new line of onesies just for the cool aunts of the world.[don’t miss the giveaway and...
Like an audio scrapbook of awesomeness

Like an audio scrapbook of awesomeness

Ever been the person in charge of a group gift, and discovered that special circle of purgatory that involves trying to contact large numbers of people and keep track of who’s done what and who still needs to contribute? Yeah. Not fun. And then there’s the...
Modern children’s furniture for modern tight budgets

Modern children’s furniture for modern tight budgets

There’s a lot of adorable children’s furniture out there, but the big problem is the cost. At least for the stuff I tend to like, which is vibrant and modern and doesn’t have the word Shaker anywhere near it. Then I discovered the affordable custom...