For a good time, Press Here

For a good time, Press Here

I am used to seeing my kids pushing buttons, laughing delightedly as they zoom around another wii game, or play with their father’s tablet. But, let me tell you, I wasn’t prepared to see them having the same reaction to a simple three-color picture...
Undecorate my house, please!

Undecorate my house, please!

My heart skips a beat when a new shelter magazine arrives in the mail, but ten minutes of flipping through the pages usually leaves me wanting more. The houses are too perfect, too expected and too completely out of touch with my life and my very imperfect house....
The Happiness Project: The book that changed my life

The Happiness Project: The book that changed my life

I first got to know Gretchen Rubin when she was kind enough to include me in one of her Happiness Project interviews on her popular blog. At the time, I had no idea that she was about to come out with the #1 New York Times best-selling book that would absolutely...
One Year to an Organized Life with Baby

One Year to an Organized Life with Baby

Even if I had known about One Year to an Organized Life with Baby when I was first pregnant, I probably would have been too disorganized to read it. We had recently moved to a new house and to say we were unprepared is an understatement. We were fools. No, we were...