by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
What’s a chocolate-nut spread without the nuts? Chocolate No-Nut Butter is what. It’s real and according to reviews it’s delicious, too. The catch is that this spread made by Missy Chase Lapine, better known as The Sneaky Chef (and by me as the queen...
by Stephanie Slate | School Gear
My kids’ backpacks are filled to bursting every morning as they leave for school, with books, lunch, snacks, and whatever else they can find to cram in there, it seems. Adding something else to that haul might seem ludicrous, but I love the environmental aspect...
by Stephanie Slate | School Gear
When I asked my friend at the park about her water bottle and she told me it was, and I quote, the best water bottle in the world, obviously I had to know more. She introduced me to S’well, a line of insulated water bottles that keep drinks cold without leaking...
by Christina Refford | Food + Recipes
Finding nutritious lunch box snacks that my kids won’t toss when I’m out of eyesight can be a challenge, so I get excited when I find something our whole family likes. Our latest favorite crunchy treats are the single-serve packs of 180 Snacks’ Nut...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Are you as obsessed with Pinterest as we are? Follow us! Then check out these 5 cool Pinterest pins plus lots more from our site and around the web. 1. 6 school lunch ideas beyond sandwiches. It’s that time, parents. 2. A sweet DIY family necklace...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
It’s a good thing when a new snack bar helps you feed your own children healthfully, but it’s even better when it also helps you feed a hungry child. NOURI is a new snack bar company with a big social mission to help end hunger. For every bar that you buy,...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
Though there isn’t substantive research behind claims that Superfruits Save The Day by helping you live longer (seriously, be wary of such grandiose claims on food packing), some fruits are just plain better for you than others. In fact, there are a handful of...
by Stacie Billis | Food + Recipes
If you need back to school lunch recipes and inspiration, you are not alone. Which is why we have lots of it–websites and other online resources that are jam-packed with awesome school lunch recipes that are easy to make, healthy and even creative. Not like,...
by Cool Mom Team | Back to School Shopping, School Gear
As parents, one of our favorite things about the web is the ability to find so many cool–often free–printables for kids of all kinds that make us all look like crafty geniuses. They’re especially abundant this time of year, as back to school...
by Liz Gumbinner | Food + Recipes
If Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is the hit at the box office that it was on TV back in the 80’s I suspect a whole lot of kids will be flipping for this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle bento box lunch found at Alpha Mom. I am so not the...