by Cool Mom Team | Cards + Stationery
I think personalized bookplates are just the coolest gift for kids. Grab a set of the beautiful modern bookplates from designer Avis Wampler and pair it with your favorite children’s title, for a birthday present that won’t end up in the landfills before...
by Julie | Cards + Stationery
I love the idea of birth announcement as a means of sharing pure joy. But the logistics of actually getting my own announcements in the mail was too daunting for me on top of the rest of my post baby to-do list. No matter how joyous the occasion or how beautiful the...
by Julie | Cards + Stationery
Creating eye-catching baby stationery is not nearly as easy as it looks. Anyone can print teddy bears or glue gingham bows on heavy card stock. It takes something special to make me sit up and say, “Awww…”Gracie Girl Notes are definitely...
by Cool Mom Team | Random Coolness
With my kids becoming more territorial about their things, I can only imagine the fights that I’m going to have to mediate courtesy of Santa this year. So I’m thinking about preparing in advance for once, and snatching up a personalized stamp for each of...
by Mir | Cards + Stationery
The most thoughtful cards are ones you make yourself, I suppose, if you have any sort of artistic ability. If you want a card with a smudged scribble and some glitter on it, I could probably manage that. But when I want to send the very best, I tend to look around for...
by Cool Mom Team | Editors Best of the Year
Birth announcements Kristen: I have to pick Bird and Banner’s completely handmade custom invites and announcements. Their personal touch is the next best thing to making all 100 announcements yourself. Liz: For totally custom, designed just-for-you...