Holiday cards? Already? Paper Culture says, yep.

Holiday cards? Already? Paper Culture says, yep.

I am so not the type to get my holiday cards picked out much before…oh, say December 26. At which point I call them New Year’s cards and figure I’ve bought myself at least another few weeks to get them addressed and sent. But for you planners (and oh...
Busy, busy, busy

Busy, busy, busy

What’s that line about how a woman’s work is never done? That’s probably why I’ve always hoarded notepads and sketch books and blank journals to help keep me as organized as possible. So I love this handmade busy busy busy book filled with...
Six more weeks ’til bobbing for apples!

Six more weeks ’til bobbing for apples!

I am a total Halloween loving dork, and if I had more hours in my day, I’d be That Mom who does the whole crazy haunted house thing, throws the awesome costume party, and gives out the best candy. I’d also be the mom who gets my you know what together in...
Happy birthday, hot stuff

Happy birthday, hot stuff

Eh, I’m over the ironic birthday cards with the cartoon characters telling you how saggy your boobs are or how you’ll burn down the neighborhood with all those candles. Sure they were cute when I was 22 but maybe they hit a little close to home now? With...